Készíts egy file-t debugconf.scr néven, és mentsd bele az alábbi sorokat:

// —– Start—————————————-
// ChromeEngine config file
!SaveGame(s)                      // SaveGame system logs method: “LogR”, “CrashLog”, “None”
!Cheats()                         // enable cheat mode
!MenuEditor(i)                    // 1 – enable menu editor
!CurveEditor(i)                   // 1 – enable curve editor
!NoMusic(i)                       // 1 – disable all sounds
!UseDeveloperKeys()               // enable developer keys
!UseFKeysWithCtrl()               // force using F keys only with ctrl
!ShowPlayingSounds()              // logs sound names
!RenderComments()                 // enable rendering of comments
!NoLogos()                        // disables logos at game start
!DebugVisualisation()             // enable debug visualisation (waypoints, fightpoints etc.)
!SkipFadeOutIn()                  // enable fast fade in/out
!SkipPressAnyKeyOnStart()         // enable skipping “press any key…” on level start
!SetLogLevel(i)                   // binary sum of flags _LOG_ERRORS = 0x01,_LOG_WARNINGS = 0x02,
                                 // _LOG_INFOS = 0x04, _LOG_TESTS = 0x08
                                 // (used in ShowInfo methods, debug console)
!ConsoleCommand(s) // Defines console command that will be run at the begging of the game
                  // or after pressing numpad subtract key. There can be more than one command
                  // and the order of call is the same as they are defined in script.
!EnableAudioLog() // Enables logging of audio errors/events to file
!ChromeSpyHost(s) // ChromeSpy host machine name (default: localhost)
!ChromeSpyPort(i) // ChromeSpy port (default: 8086)
// —– EndCheatbook————————–

Mentsd el a játék könyvtárába, és miután elindítod a játékot az ESC gombbal hozzáférést kapsz a debug és dev menüpontokhoz, amelyekben rengeteg dolgot beállíthatsz.