Az Insomniac Games által fejlesztett, Resistance 2 legújabb, 1.40-es frissítéséről végre bővebb információk is napvilágot láttak.
A patch több lényeges változtatást is tartalmazni fog, többek között a trófeák/medálok elérését, a játékmenetet és a fegyvereket, valamint néhány egyéb apróságot illetően. A frissítésnek köszönhetően várhatóan valamivel kiegyensúlyozottab lesz a játékmenet.
A változtatások pontos listája a következő:
* “Salute Me” trophy is not awarded until player reaches level 31 (Lieutenant)
* “Berserker” trophy can be collected during non-ranked games
* “Survivor” medal can be collected in cooperative games
* “Sure Shot” ribbon is awarded if player has accuracy of exactly 50%
* Added clan support for viewing members, sending invites, and setting up clan tags
* Default clan region is now USA
Match Balancing
* Unbalanced ranked games are cancelled in staging before the game is started
* Parties are prevented from matchmaking into free-for-all Deathmatch games
* Loadouts can be disabled in the “Create Game” screen in competitive games
* Balanced the chance of dropping large ammo pickups in competitive games
* Core Control scoreboard displays “Kills”
* Improved scoreboard formatting
* Balanced the amount of XP gained by the Medic class in cooperative games
* Stalker movement enabled in cooperative games
* Small ammo pickups don’t give LAARK ammo in cooperative games
* Splash damage on Pulse Cannon can damage the player firing it
* Rossmore reticule better reflects its accuracy
* Fire is easier to shake off
* Players cannot swap weapons in the middle of a melee attack
* Localized text updates
* Network message optimizations
* EULA displays the correct language text for Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and Danish