Ogre Battle 64 Person of Lordly Caliber
Hints, Tips and Walkthru
By: Turtleboy 8/24/00
Version 0.24
This document Copyright 2000 Tristan Patt (Turtle boy)
For help on this game e-mail me, Turtle boy Twpatt@Prodigy.net

Table of contents
1. Revisions
2. Character Creation
3. Walkthru
4. Game shark Codes
5. Codes(soon to come)

1. Revisions
Version 0.24   9/18/00
Sorry but I thought it would be 2 days I was wrong scene 9 done
Version 0.23   9/14/00
Added all treasure names and yelled at Haunter for taking my Charater Creation
Info 2 more days till scene nine is done.
Version 0.22   9/12/00
Needed an update so here it is
Version 0.21   8/28/00
Ummmm.. I don't know whats wrong with this I wont show up in word olny on the
site so I don't know how to fix it sorry
Version 0.2    8/27/00
Scene eight but stupid notepad has no more memory so I cant wright more till I
change it over to Microsoft word
Version 0.19   8/24/00
Same as last time except this time I have finished
Version 0.18   8/23/00
Switched the file to a .txt from .doc so I have tons of stuff in need to redo
in all the tables
Version 0.17   8/22/00
Scene seven
Version 0.16   8/18/00
Scene six
Version 0.15   8/16/00
Did scene four and  scene five
Version 0.14   8/11/00
Few minor updates
Version 0.13   8/2/00
Scene three
Version 0.12   8/1/00
Scene two
Version 0.11   7/31/00
Finished Character creation section and did scene one
Version 0.1     7/30/00
Table of contents, Character Creation charts made, and Title block.

2. Character Creation
In the Beginning of the game you are asked six Questions to determine you
Leader this is
how and what you become
Questions ( May not be the correct order )
Question one
|    What dost thou hold within thy sword ?         |
|          |Ardor|Passion|Vigor|Talent|Belief|Hatred|
|Warrior   | 12  |  16   |  0  |  5   |  16  |  4   |
|Magic User| 16  |   0   |  4  |  8   |   4  |  16  |
|Specialist| 4   |   8   |  12 |  16  |  16  |  4   |
|Tamer     | 8   |  12   |  16 |  0   |   4  |  16  |

Question two
|   What shalt thou sever with thy sword ?  |
|          |Yoke|Greed|Roam|Quiet|Order|Hope|
|Warrior   |  0 |  4  | 12 |  16 |  4  | 12 |
|Magic User|  4 |  8  | 16 |  0  |  8  | 16 |
|Specialist| 12 |  16 |  4 |  8  | 12  |  4 |
|Tamer     | 16 |  0  |  8 |  12 | 16  |  8 |

Question three
|         For what shalt thou beseech the gods ?      |
|          |Triumph|Purity|Might|Valor|Trust|Sacrifice|
|Warrior   |   8   |  12  | 16  |  0  | 16  |    8    |
|Magic User|   4   |   8  | 12  | 16  | 12  |    4    |
|Specialist|  16   |   0  |  4  |  8  |  8  |   16    |
|Tamer     |  12   |  16  |  0  |  4  |  4  |   12    |

Question four
|      What shalt thou offer thy gods ?          |
|          |Freedom|Glory|Love|Embrace|Truth|Love|
|Warrior   |  16   |  12 | 8  |   0   | 16  |  4 |
|Magic User|  12   |   8 | 4  |   16  |  4  | 16 |
|Specialist|   4   |   0 | 16 |   8   | 16  |  4 |
|Tamer     |   0   |  16 | 12 |   4   |  4  | 16 |

Question five
|                What dost thou wish for ?               |
|          |Wealth|Serenity|Fertility|Strife|Peace|Reform|
|Warrior   |   8  |   0    |   16    |  12  |  4  |  12  |
|Magic User|   4  |   16   |   12    |   8  |  8  |  16  |
|Specialist|   16 |   8    |    4    |   0  | 12  |   4  |
|Tamer     |   2  |   4    |    0    |  16  | 16  |   8  |

Question six
|     What shall thou rid from this land ?    |
|          |Changes|Honor|Rule|Ideal|Law|Chaos|
|Warrior   |   0   |  4  | 12 | 16  |16 |  8  |
|Magic User|   4   |  8  | 16 |  0  |12 |  4  |
|Specialist|   12  | 16  |  4 |  8  | 8 | 16  |
|Tamer     |   16  |  0  |  8 | 12  | 4 | 12  |

Leader Type
|  Leader   |   Unit leader  |      Members        |
|  Warrior  | 1 |  Knight    |Fighter x2|Soldier x2|
|           | 2 |  Archer    |Amazon    |Soldier x3|
|           | 3 |  Berserker |Solder x2 |----------|
|           | 4 |  Phalanx   |Golem     |----------|
|Magic User | 1 |  Sorceress |Fighter x3|Soldier   |
|           | 2 |  Witch     |Amazon x2 |Soldier x2|
|           | 3 |  Sorceress |Soldier   |----------|
|           | 4 |  Wizard    |Wyrm      |----------|
|Specialist | 1 |  Cleric    |Amazonx2  |Soldier x2|
|           | 2 |  Fencer    |Fighter   |Soldier x3|
|           | 3 |  Valkyrie  |Soldierx2 |----------|
|           | 4 |  Cleric    |Griffon   |----------|
|  Tamer    | 1 |Beast Tamer |Fighter x2|Soldier x2|
|           | 2 |Doll Master |Amazon    |Soldier x3|
|           | 3 |Dragon Tamer|Soldier x2|----------|
|           | 4 |Beast Tamer |Hell Hound|----------|
The easiest way to find out what you will be is to make another chart and put
your answers and number totals in it to find out what of the four main
categories you will become.  You are the one with the highest total points. 
Whatever category you are put into you will be the one in the number one spot
(example if you are a tamer you will be a 1 beast tamer  with 2 fighters and 2
soldiers and if you end up with the  specialist column having the most points
you will be a 1 Cleric with 2 amazons and 2 fighters).  To find out what will
be you second unit minus 32 from the highest number (your main leader Type)
then take the next highest total points Look what name is in the front of the
category and take the number two in the leader type chart (example you minus 32
from the type you leader is so you have a new highest number let say it is a
magic user so look at the leader type chart and go to magic user then go to the
number 2 spot on magic user and your second unit will be 1 Witch 2 Amazons and
2 Soldiers).  And do that for the next two also so you should have a total of 4
units (leader and members).

3. Walkthru
This game is divided into Prologue 4 chapters and 40 scenes.  Each chapter has
many scenes and each Scene is a mission.  So now I will start by covering the
Prologue and continue through till the finish.

Scene one The Southern Reaches
In the prologue Scene one there are three enemy Strong holds for  you to over
take plus two friendly and one neutral.  The enemy base is South west of your
starting spot.  The boss is level four with one level four unit in this
    Theodricus Mine
            |      | Boss  |       |                                           
                        |      |lvl 4  |       |
|      |       |       |
|      |       |       |
| lvl 4|       |       |
| unit |       |       |
And there are a total of seven buried treasures on this map A one near the
front of the north western mountain, B one in the middle of the forest at the
center of the map, C one  the south eastern peninsula by the bridge, D one on
the path as far south as you can go from the center, E one on the path leading
out of the friendly strong hold that is not a shop, F one strait west of the
previous one on the edge of the forest, G and one that is at the bottom of the
west mountain on the east side of the enemy headquarters.  In the friendly
stronghold east of your headquarters across the bridge there is a shop where
you can buy
Items               Price              Treasures
Bandana              20              A          Old Clothing
Iron Helm            30              B          Hard Leather
Short Sword          20              C          Great Bow
Short Bow            30              D          Power Fruit
Round Shield         20              E          Baldr Sword
Leather Armor        60              F          Altar of Resurrection
Chain Mail          120              G          Heal Leaf
End of scene one

Scene two Sparks
There are five enemy towns and one neutral.  Two of the enemy towns are shops.
Just left of the town that is straight down is a shop and the other shop is
straight across from the enemy headquarters.  The enemy base is north from your
starting spot.  Boss is level four with one lvl two
       Volmus Mine
            |       |      |       |      Item                Price      
|       |      |       |      Bandana              30         A     Heal Leaf
|_______|______|_______|      Iron Helm            30         B     Buckler
|       |      |       |      Short Sword          20         C     Quit Gate
|       |      |       |      Short Bow            30         D     Hard
|_______|______|_______|      Round Shield         20         E     Light Mace
|lvl 2  |      | Boss  |      Leather Armor        60         F     Heal Leaf
| unit  |      | lvl 4 |      Chain Mail           120
|_______|______|_______|      Hachigane            40
                              Iron Claw            170
                              Rags                 10
                              Magicians Garb       50
                              Leather Whip         60
                              Halt Hammer          110
                              Torn Cloth           10
Six total buried treasure A One east of the starting spot, B one by the north
bank of the first river between the two bridges, C one on the south bank of the
first river straight down from the A treasure I told you of, D just west of the
 enemy town down from A and B, E straight down from that between the two
mountains, F and very far down in the Southwestern corner between the two
End of Scene two and end of Prologue

Chapter one Scene three First Assignment
There are four enemy towns for you to take over one is a shop.  That being the
one strait to the west of the starting spot. The enemy base is north west of
your starting spot. The boss is level five with four level three units.
      Fort Tuatha
________________________     Items               Price    Treasure
| lvl 3| Boss  |  lvl 3 |    Scipplay Staff       20      A      Heal Seed     
            | unit | lvl 5 |  unit  |    Light Mace           30      B     
Breast Plate
|______|_______|________|    Spell Book           100     C      Plumed
|      |       |        |    Robe                 30      D      Bone Helm
|      |       |        |    Cleric's Vestment    50      E      Rapier
|______|_______|________|    Witch's Dress        80
| lvl 3|       | lvl 3  |    Amulet               40
| unit |       | unit   |    Rosary               50
Five Hidden treasures located A one just west of the shop, B one in the middle
of the forest west and down a little from the starting spot, C one on the
beginning of the mountains that are west of the starting spot at the river
side, D one on the north bank of the river between the bridges, E and one on
the path that is north west across the river and between the mountains and
leads to the enemies base.
End of Scene three

Scene four The Path Diverges
There six enemy towns and one neutral. The enemy base west of your starting
spot. The boss of this scene is level seven with two level five's. There is one
shop on the top most town selling.
________________________     Item           Price       Treasure               
   |      |  Boss |        |    Iron Helm        30      A       Amulet
|      | lvl 7 |        |    Leather Hat      40      B       Spell book
|______|_______|________|    Armet            120     C       Witches
|      |       |        |    Great Bow        90      D       Robe/Witches
|      |       |        |    Fransica         130     E       Scripplay Staff
|______|_______|________|    Baldr Sword      150     F       Pointy Hat
| lvl 5|       | lvl 5  |    Kite Shield      70      G       Heal Seed
| unit |       |  unit  |    Plate Armor      230
And there a total of seven hidden treasures.  A One on the south western bank
of the river in the south western corner of the map, B one on the path that is
south from the start, C D there are two on the north bank of the long river at
the north of the screen, E one is on the path that leads down right in front of
the enemy base, F one is straight east of the enemy town on the same path, G
and the last one is between the forest and the mountain north of the enemy
End of Scene four

Scene five True Intentions
Four enemy towns and one neutral town to take over. The enemy base is south of
your starting spot. The boss is level five with three other level five units
with him.  Your base is an shop in which the following items are for sale.
      Fort Crenel
________________________       Item               Price        Treasure        
        | lvl 5|       |        |      Bone Helm            50        A     
Kite Shield              | unit |       |        |      Jin-gasa             50
       B      Baldr Sword
|______|_______|________|      Rapier               30        C      Armet
|      |  Boss |        |      Halt Hammer         110        D      Power
|      | lvl 5 |        |      B. Sword            180        E      Plate
|______|_______|________|      Spell Book          100
| lvl 5|       | lvl 5  |      Cloth Armor          20
| unit |       |  unit  |
There five hidden treasures on this map.  A One on the peninsula of the island
you start on, B one on the path straight down from the starting point, C D two
one the path to the west of the starting point ( C one on the right fork D one
on the left fork), E and the last treasure is on the east bank of the river
near the mountains.
End of scene five

Scene 6 The Revolutionary Army
7 enemy towns and 1 neutral town 2 shops one is your base the other is straight
down from your base.  The enemy base is in the north eastern corner of the map.
 The boss is level eight with four level six units.
        Fort Bulan
            |       | lvl 6 | lvl 6 |    Item                Price    
Treasures                     |       | unit  |  unit |    Bandana             
 20      A       Buckler
|_______|_______|_______|    Iron Helm             30      B       Quit Gate
|       |       |       |    Hachigane             40      C       Light Mace
|       |       |       |    Short Sword           20      D       Heal Leaf
|_______|_______|_______|    Short Bow             30      E       Hard Leather
| lvl 6 | Boss  | lvl 6 |    Leather Whip          60      F       Heal Leaf   
         | unit  | lvl 8 | unit  |    Halt Hammer          110      G      
Plate Mail         |_______|_______|_______|    Iron Claw            170
                             Round Shield          20
                             Torn Cloth            10
                             Rags                  20
                             Ninja's Garb          50
                             Leather Armor         60
                             Chain Mail           120
One of the seven hidden treasures A one the north bank of the river north of
where you start, B one is on the south bank of the same river farther east, C
go down at the start then go east at the first turn and you will find one on
the path, D North west of the enemy town that is a shop between the mountains
is one, E one is on the south bank of the river farthest south by one of the
bridge's, F one is in the middle of the forest down from the enemies base, G
and for the last one go north from the start until you are off the grass and on
dirt then go west and when you are under the enemy town you should find it.
End of Scene six

Scene seven A New Beginning
5 enemy towns one shop being your strong hold.  Enemy base is southeast of the
starting spot.  Level eight boss with four level seven units.
     Gunther Mines           Item            Prices       Treasure
________________________     Bandana           20        A       Witch's Dress 
             | lvl 7 |       | lvl 7 |    Iron helm         30        B      
Heal Leaf               | unit  |       | unit  |    Leather hat       40      
 C       Scrippley staff   |_______|_______|_______|    Short Sword       20   
    D       Power Fruit               | lvl 7 |       | lvl 7 |    Short Bow   
     30        E       Heal Leaf
| unit  |       | unit  |    Great Bow         90        F       Spell book
|_______|_______|_______|    Baldr Sword       150       G       Power Fruit   
           |       | Boss  |       |    Round Shield      20        H      
|       | lvl 8 |       |    Leather Armor     60
|_______|_______|_______|    Chain Mail        120
                             Hard Leather      50
There are 8 buried treasures on this map A B C (2 at front one at back)three
are located between the gap of the mountains at the enemy base, D one is on the
northern bank of the river at the eastern edge of the map, E one is on the
southern bank of the river between the two bridges, F one is between the two
forests straight down from the beginning spot, G H (1st  one G 2nd is H) and
the other two are down from the enemy town that is at the entrance to the gap
in the mountains where the enemy base is located.
End of scene seven

Scene eight The Infernal Aura
There a total of five enemy towns and one neutral town. Your starting spot is
the only shop in this map. The enemy base is north east of your starting spot.
The boss is level ten with two level eight's and a level 20.
      Fort Akkisis           Item          Price    Treasures
________________________     Plumed Helm     60     A      Cloth Armor         
      |      | Boss  |       |     Slender Spear   150    B      Iron Claw     
          |      | lvl 4 |       |     Round Shield    20     C      Jin-Gasa
|______|_______|_______|     Large Shield    180    D      Heal Leaf
|      |       |       |     Breast Plate    180    E      Altar of
|      |       |       |     Plate Mail      210    F      Heal Seed
|______|_______|_______|                            G      Bastard Sword
| lvl 4|       |       |                            H      Rosary
| unit |       |       |                            I      Heal Seed      
There are nine total hidden treasures on this map. A One is in the forest that
the river passes through and is on the south bank, B there is one on the
northern most path that goes to the enemy base right above the forest, C one is
in the forest right below the previous treasure, D Is straight down from that
one, E is straight down from that across the mountains, F and G (F 1st G 2nd)
continue down from the one by the enemy town until you hit the mountain then
follow along the edge of it going west and you will find two treasures, H to
get the next one go up from your starting space then travel along the river
side till you hit the mountains, I and the last one go east from your starting
point along the path till you find the enemy town then go straight up.
End of Scene Eight

Scene 9 Liberation of Alba
5 enemy cities on this map including two that are shops one straight east of
the enemy stronghold and one north west from your starting spot. The enemy
stronghold is straight north from you. The boss is level 8 with four level
eight units.
      Castle Akka           Item         Price        Treasure
________________________    Bandana         20        A      Rosary            
                                  |      | Boss  |       |    Iron Helm      
30        B      Hachigane                                           |     
|lvl 8  |       |    Pointy Hat      100       C      Power Fruit
|______|_______|_______|    Scipplay Staff  20        D      Iron Claw
| lvl 8|       | lvl 8 |    Short Sword     20        E      Ninja Garb
| unit |       | unit  |    Short Bow       30        F      Spell Book
|______|_______|_______|    Great Bow       90        G      Heal Seed
| lvl 8|       | lvl 8 |    Marionette      120
| unit |       | unit  |    Baldr Sword     150
|______|_______|_______|    Book of Earth   200
                            Book of Water   200
                            Book of Wind    200
                            Book of Fire    200
                            Annihilation*   30000+ The Annihilation Book costs
                            Round Shield    20     30000 plus a piece of gold
                            Leather Armor   60     for the number of days
                            Witches Dress   80     played the game multiplied
                            Chain Mail      120    20
                            Hard Leather    150
There are 7 treasures on this map. A very north west corner there is one, B one
the river bank of the very north east corner, C Straight down from the north
west enemy shop, D straight east from C, E in between C and D, F between the
two mountians just north from the starting spot, and G west from the starting

4. Game shark Codes
Gs Pro version 3.0 or higher needed for this game

Enable Code (Must Be On) F109A4F0 2400
InterAct (manufactures of the Game Shark) will upgrade your Game Shark, but it
will cost you. Their policy of upgrading a Nintendo 64 Game Shark is as follow.
If your version of your Game Shark is less than version 2.0, you can send in
your existing Game Shark along with a check or money order made out to InterAct
Accessories for $35.00. You will receive their new Game Shark Pro in return. If
you have version 2.0 and above, you can upgrade your Game Shark to version 3.2
by sending in your original Game Shark with a check or money order made out to
InterAct Accessories for $35.00. You will receive their new Game Shark Pro in
return. If you have the Game Shark Pro (version 3.2 and higher), they offer
free upgrades to the most current version (currently 3.2). The mailing address
for the upgrade is:
InterAct Accessories, Inc.
10999 McCormick Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.