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Use the arrow keys to move Roger. Most people prefer the "fast" setting. To do this, type <FAST>. In this walkthrough you see something like this <LOOK DOG>, it means type "Look dog" {without the quotes, of course} Whenever I say 2 numbers in parentheses (3,10), that is how many points you get, and how many points total {there are 250 possible points, but you can get 255}. What I mean by walk south, east, north, or west, is this: Left and right/up and down are this: North West East Up South Left Right Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 - WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Start_ If you want to see the alternate ending with 255 points, type <CHEAT> at any time (*,255). When the game starts out your watch beeps, so <LOOK WATCH> and push <C> (1,1). Walk up the wall, on the ceiling, and into the red circle to get inside the spaceship (1,2). Walk to the purple/gray suit and <CHANGE CLOTHES> (1,3). <OPEN LOCKER>, and <LOOK IN LOCKER>. <GET PUZZLE> (1,4), <GET SUPPORTER> (1,5), then <SHUT LOCKER>. Walk through the door, up the yellow/black striped elevator, and go inside the transport tube. Then walk up the stairs to the spaceship and watch the scene of you being abducted (5,10). _Planet_ There's more beeping, so go to the wrecked ship and <PUSH BUTTON> (1,11). Then, <SEARCH BODY> and <GET KEYCARD> (3,14). Don't walk on the green circle, or you will fall to your death. Walk north and go behind the bush. A guy on a hovercraft will come and kill you if you didn't hide in the right place. If you hid in the right place, you will be safe (5,19). Go east from the bottom of the screen and you'll see a creature tied up. <FREE CREATURE> (5,24) and go back to the place where you hid. Walk west from the bottom of the screen and <GET SPORE> (4,28). Don't step on the spores or you'll die. Walk north and go through the little maze. Save every time you get a little further and you are safe. <PICK BERRIES> (4,32) then go back through the maze (4,36) because you can't follow the creature you saw picking berries. Go east, then west from the top of the screen so you are at the same room as the spores, but on the plateau. Go to the mailbox and <MAIL ORDER FORM> (2,38). <LOOK TRAY> and <GET WHISTLE> (2,40). _Gem/Trap_ Walk east, type <LOOK CREATURE>, but DO NOT PUSH ENTER YET! Go east again and push enter. <RUB BERRIES ON BODY> (3,43). Swim east one screen and <HOLD BREATH> in the deep water (2,45). Go west then up (2,47), and <GET GEM> (3,50). <HOLD BREATH> again (2,52), and go to "Tree" {see map}. <CLIMB TREE> (3,55), walk east, and get caught in a trap. You dream that you are Leisure Suit Larry. <LOOK BEAST>, then <CALL BEAST> twice. Then quickly <THROW SPORE> (5,60). <GET KEY> (2,62), then <UNLOCK DOOR> and <OPEN DOOR>. Walk over to the rock and <GET ROPE> (2,64). Go north, then west twice, and <CRAWL ON LOG>. <TIE ROPE TO LOG> (2,66), then <CLIMB DOWN> and go to the bottom of the rope. <SWING ROPE> (2,68) and push F6 after the guy bats at you. If you did it right, you will land on the edge (5,73). Walk west until you can only see your eyes and <HOLD GEM> (2,75). Keep walking until you fall, then <GET GEM> (1,76). _Maze_ Walk south and <SAY THE WORD> (3,79). <PUT GEM IN MOUTH> and go through the maze {see "maps" section} (20,99). If you stay in the maze too long, a squid will come and eat you. If you don't understand my map, follow these instructions: Go down the ladder all the way. Go right until you get to another ladder. Go down the ladder until you can go left or right. Go right all the way. Go down the ladder all the way. Go right until you get to another ladder. Go down all the way. Go left and pass two ladders. Go down the third ladder until you can go left or right. Go right all the way. Walk east and go in the path on the right {->} (5,104). Go east again and <BLOW WHISTLE> {in the water} (5,109). Walk on land and <THROW PUZZLE> (10,119). <GET ROCK> (2,121) and walk north. Hide behind the bush so the guard doesn't shoot you, and <THROW ROCK AT GUARD WITH SUPPORTER> (20,141). Walk to the door and <INSERT CARD> (5,146). _Shuttle/Asteroid_ <ENTER SHUTTLE> and <LOOK AT CONTROLS>. <PUSH POWER>, <TURN DIAL>, and <PUSH THRUSHER BUTTON>. Push the down arrow key to take off. Wait a while and you will leave the planet (20,166). You get kidnapped and taken to Vohaul's asteroid. Note: There are many dangers in the Asteroid. Save every once in a while, and restore if you die. Walk east into the elevator and <PUSH FOUR>. Go two screens east, then <PUSH BUTTON> by the bathroom {either door}, and <OPEN STALL>. <LOOK>, then <GET TOILET PAPER> (1,167). Walk east one screen and <PUSH BUTTON>. <LOOK>, then <GET CUTTER> (1,168). Go east two screens and <PUSH THREE>. Walk two screens west and <PUSH BUTTON>. <LOOK AROUND>, then <GET PLUNGER> (1,169). Walk to the elevator again and <PUSH FIVE>. Go two screens west and <PUSH BUTTON>. <LOOK> again, then <GET BASKET> (1,170) and <GET OVERALLS>. <LOOK> and <GET LIGHTER> (1,171). Go back to the elevator and <PUSH ONE>. Walk west then south. Try to walk both ways, and <STICK PLUNGER ON WALL> {West wall} (10,181). Don't do it too early or you'll die. If you do it right the floor will come back (10,191) <LET GO> when you are safe. <PUT PAPER IN BASKET> (1,192), <DROP BASKET> (1,193), then <LIGHT PAPER> (10,203). Walk east and through the door. _Vohaul_ Walk up the stairs and get shrunk, then <CUT GLASS> (5,208). <GO IN VENT>, <LOOK>, then <LOOK SIGN>. Walk over to the back and <PUSH BUTTON> (10,218). <GET OUT> of the vent and go west. <PULL SWITCH> and <TYPE ENLARGE>. Go east and back into the jar. <SEARCH BODY>, then walk to the flashing screen and <LOOK SCREEN>. Type <SHSR> (10,228) and push F6. Now walk up the stairs {to be safe, use number 9 on your keypad to walk northeast }. <OPEN BOX> (2,230) and <WEAR MASK>. Keep walking through the tunnel. When you reach the end, walk two screens west and set the speed to "Slow." Now would be a very good time to save. type <PUSH BUTTON> but DO NOT PUSH ENTER YET! Go one screen west and push enter by the button. Then, type <ENTER POD> AS FAST AS YOU CAN! (10,240). You can now set the speed back to "Fast" if you want. <LOOK> and <PUSH BUTTON>, then <LOOK> again, and <OPEN CHAMBER>. Now, <ENTER CHAMBER> (10,250) and you've won! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 - MAPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACESHIP ----------- | | ----- ------- ------ |SPACE| |CONTROL|-|LOCKER| |SHIP | | ROOM | | ROOM | ----- ------- ------ | ----- |START| ----- FOREST ------- |BERRIES| ------ ------ ------ ---- ---- --- ------- |WATER1|--------|WATER2|-|WATER3|-|TREE|-|TRAP|-|CLF| | -| | --- ------ ------ ---- ---- --- -------- ------ | ------ |GEM| | | | | |MAIL|--|HIDING|- --- | ---- ---- ----- | ----| | | -------- | ----- |CAVE|-|ROPE| |BEAST| |SPORE |--|PLACE |-|CREATURE| ----- |DEEP | ---- ---- ----- -------- ------ -------- |DEEP2|-|WATER| | | ----- ----- ---- -------- --------- |FALL| |WRECKAGE|--|MUSHROOMS| ---- -------- --------- | --------- |CREATURES| --------- | {~~~~} MAZE {MAZE} ~~~~ This maze is not drawn to scale. o's are dead ends. {~~~~} {MAZE} ~~~~ | | o--------------o ---- | | | o | o o-+--- | | | | | |---+-------| ---| | | | | ----| -----------o | | o | o | |---| o o o o--| | | | | | | o----------+---+------------o | | | o | | {~~~~~} o--+---{River} | ~~~~~ o ------- {SHUTTLE} ~~~~~~~ | ----- |TOWER| ----- ----- |DEATH| ----- | ----- --|WHIRL| ----- | | |POOL | |GUARD| {~~~~~} ---- ----- ----- {River}-|Fork| | | ~~~~~ ---- ---- ------ |LAKE|-|PUZZLE| ---- ------ _Asteroid_ ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- |FIVE|-|HALL|-|CLOSET|-|HALL|-|HALL|-----|FIVE| ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- | | ---- ---- -------- ------ ---- ---- |FOUR|-|HALL|-|BATHROOM|-|CLOSET|-|HALL|-|FOUR| ---- ---- -------- ------ ---- ---- | | ----- ---- ---- ------ ----- |THREE|-----|HALL|--|HALL|--|CLOSET|----|THREE| ----- ---- ---- ------ ----- | | -------- ------- -------- |ELEVATOR|---------{SHUTTLE}---------|ELEVATOR| | {ONE} | ~~~~~~~ | {ONE} | -------- | -------- | ----- ---- ----- ------ ---- ----- |ROBOT|-|ACID|-|ROBOT|-|VOHAUL|-|MASK|-|CRACK| ----- ---- ----- ------ ---- ----- | | ---- ---- | |VENT|-| | --- - - ---- |MINI| {POD}-|H|-|H| -------- | | ~~~ - - |KEYBOARD|-| | -------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------- 4.0 - POINT LIST ---------------------------------------------------- _Quick Ending_ Cheat * Total 255 _Start_ <C> 1 Walk into spaceship 1 <CHANGE CLOTHES> 1 <GET PUZZLE> 1 <GET SUPPORTER> 1 Get abducted 5 Total 10 _Planet_ <PUSH BUTTON> 1 <GET KEYCARD> 3 Hide 5 <FREE CREATURE> 5 <GET SPORE> 4 <PICK BERRIES> 4 Go back through maze 4 <MAIL FORM> 2 <GET WHISTLE> 2 Total 40 _Gem/Trap_ <RUB BERRIES ON BODY> 3 <HOLD BREATH> 2 Get out of water 2 <GET GEM> 3 <HOLD BREATH> again 2 <CLIMB TREE> 3 <THROW SPORE> 5 <GET KEY> 2 <GET ROPE> 2 <TIE ROPE TO LOG> 2 <SWING ROPE> 2 Land on edge 5 <HOLD GEM> 2 <GET GEM> 1 Total 76 _Maze_ <SAY THE WORD> 3 Go through maze 20 Go to right path 5 <BLOW WHISTLE> 5 <THROW PUZZLE> 10 <GET ROCK> 2 <THROW ROCK AT GUARD WITH SUPPORTER> 20 <INSERT CARD> 5 Total 146 _Shuttle/Asteroid_ Leave planet 20 <GET TOILET PAPER> 1 <GET CUTTER> 1 <GET PLUNGER> 1 <GET BASKET> 1 <GET LIGHTER> 1 <STICK PLUNGER ON WALL> 10 Dodge acid 10 <PUT PAPER IN BASKET> 1 <DROP BASKET> 1 <LIGHT PAPER> 10 Total 203 _Vohaul_ <CUT GLASS> 5 <PUSH BUTTON> 10 <SHSR> 10 <OPEN BOX> 2 <ENTER POD> 10 <ENTER CHAMBER> 10 Total 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 - CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank the following people: Two guys from Andromeda {Mark Crowe, Scott Murphy}, and Sierra On-Line, for making this game. Peter Kelly, for making AGI Studio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 - LEGAL INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- No portion of this walkthrough may be reproduced without e-mail permission from me. You may contact me at FastaKilla@excite.com for any questions, comments, additions, corrections, or authorizations. This document may not be sold or used for profit. MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Space Quest is a registered trademark of Sierra On-Line, Inc. {http://www.sierra.com} This walkthrough is not authorized by, endorsed, or associated in any way with Sierra On-line Inc or Microsoft Corporation. This walkthrough is Copyright © 2000 by Fasta Killa.